Friday, September 17, 2010

A Lesson in Mondrian and Other Fun Updates

So I have been teaching my LEAP after school enrichment classes for the last 2 weeks for my kindergartners and first and second graders. This last week, I was super excited at how the class and paintings turned out, and I wanted to share. We talked about Piet Mondrian and how he used the primary colors in many of his paintings.
We also talked about using lines and color in a composition. The Mondrian paintings also helped the students learn to control the paintbrushes and their brushstrokes- especially when painting lines.
And like I said, I love how their Mondrian paintings turned out. Here are a few of the students' pieces from the class.
So proud of my little artists!

In other fun updates...
I have begun my background in the color pencil piece. Keep in mind that this is VERY rough and still quite sketchy, but in the end I want it to be a forest, like the forest of the night wisps in Legend of the Seeker (haha, I'm such a nerd, I know-but it's such a great show!)

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